Jan 29, 2010

Not Well

My Hubby hasn't been well for the past days now. We thought that its just because of stress since he has been very busy working for the past week. His fever has been on and off and he only rests whenever he is already too weak and then he goes back to work again when he feels better.

But this afternoon, he came back in the afternoon with high fever, headache and body pain. He slept for awhile and when he didn't feel better we thought it was time for him to go for a check up. His headache was terrible that we had to call our family friend to drive us to the hospital. Our li'l boy has been coughing non stop for 2 days now, so we also thought to bring him for check up.

At the hospital, after the doctor did some tests, she asked my Hubby to be admitted. She didn't exactly say what was my Hubby's condition since his medical tests are not yet done. He still have to go for blood test and urine test tomorrow. I'm praying for his healing and I hope you can pray with me too. Indeed, God created us and He is our healer!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just read this post, I am praying for Jesu's health. HOw is he doing now, Love?