Jan 22, 2010

Mommy Moments - New Favorites

I only realized that it's already Friday when I saw my friends' Mommy Moments posts. :) Indeed, time flies so fast!

This week's theme is New Favorites. My girl and li'l boy actually has the same new favorite cartoon movie now and that's, Barbie and the Three Musketeers. It's quite funny how my li'l girl pretends to be Viveca ( one of the three musketeers) while my li'l boy pretends to be the Kitten, Miette. It was just recently that I watched this cartoons from start to finish and only then I realized that this was where my li'l 2 year old, got the phrase " Wait for me!!" whenever I walk ahead of him. This was actually what the kitten said, when Corinne (Barbie) was going to Paris. It's hilarious how he copied even the voice of the kitten. Cute!

Anyways, they love this cartoon so much that they could sit still and watch from start to finish without getting bored. Sometimes, I let them watch this DVD when I do my cooking because then I'm assured that they are behaved and not climbing on the stairs. Then, I can cook in peace..heheh!

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darly said...

uy intriguing- first time ive heard of barbie and the 3 musketeers. Id definitely show it to my bebe coz she's starting to like barbies too.

My entry is up too, hope you'd check it out.

Happy MM and have a great weekend!

Chris said...

my kids loved this movie too!