Dec 11, 2009

Almost Left Behind

Our flight to Manila was only at 2:40 PM but we were almost ready by 12NN. We were all dressed up and our bags were packed and ready. Since we had more time to spare, my Hubby burned all our photos in my Mom's computer. That took quite a lot of time but we didn't seem to mind. We were taking our time chit chatting while waiting for the CD. Then, we were on our way.

The last time I looked at my watch was 12 NN. That was after I ate my lunch and got ready. But when we were on our way to the airport and stopped at the gasoline station, we realized that we were getting too slow and maybe we would be late. When I checked our watch, I was surprise to see that it was already 1:45 pm. So, that means that we only have less than an hour to go to the airport, check in, pay the airport tax and board the plane. But with a prompting, my Hubby took out our ticket once again and checked our flight details. Then we found out that our flight was at 2:20 PM and not 2:40 as we assumed. So, we told our bro in law to rush to the airport because we only then had 35 minutes left before the plane takes off.

My heart was beating fast and was praying that the plane won't leave us behind. Oh, please Lord! When we arrived at the airport, I could already hear the boarding announcement of our flight. But we our bags have to go through the scan so, I didn't wait for my Hubby to bring the bags for scanning but I ran t the check in counter. My heart sank when I saw the "closed" signage at the check in counter. But nevertheless, I approached the ground stewardess and I asked her if we could still check in the flight that is currently boarding.

Praise God that she agreed. But when she was my ticket, I noticed the panic in her voice when she asked, " You have a connecting flight to Kuala Lumpur?". She then, called out for some people to help her.. to photo copy our passports, to tag our bags for transfer and etc. She told me that we should have come earlier because our flight was a connecting flight. I apologized for our tardiness but I admire her for her politeness. She didn't get mad or talked to us rudely. She then made some calls for the plane to wait for us.

And then I was relieved. That was an assurance that at least the plane would wait for us. After our check in , we hurriedly paid for airport tax, have our bags scanned again and boarded the plane.

Woohhh! We made it! Thank God for letting the plane wait for us. That was our first time to have such an experience and definitely the last time!!

1 comment:

grace said...

wow! God works miraculously..