Jun 21, 2008


When we woke up this morning, my Hubby invited us to have Malaysian Indian breakfast in town. It's either he's missing home or he just crave for the real Indian food ( curry, roti, tosai and etc). The reason why I wrote real is because I can also cook Indian food but I have my own version. That's why we call it PinDian Food ( Pinoy Indian). I don't know why I can't seem to cook curry like the real Indians. I follow exactly how they cook but maybe the only time I can cook real, authentic Indian curry is after I get a nose lift and can speak fluent Tamil. LOL!!

Anyways, back to my story. .. We got ready to go out, bathe the kids, dressed them up, prepared their things and by the time we left it was almost time for lunch. For brunch, my HUbby and Junjun had yummy mutton curry, Tricia had tosai with sugar and condensed milk (I know this will give a shock to some Indians here but Tricia's another Pindian so that explains the sugar and condensed milk) while I had Nasi Lemak. We had some drinks and enjoyed our meal.

If you're from Malaysia, how much would a meal like that cost? about 20RM? more or less right? BUt when it was time to ask for our bill it as a total of 400 Baht..whoa!! But good that after Jesu talked talked, he only charged us 300 Baht..but even that I still find it quite pricey. Or maybe that's how it is to ' transport' other food to a different country ( no matter how near they may be) . BUt anyways, I'm still happy that for an hour , we were like transported back to Malaysia and my Hubby felt at home. :)

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