Jun 20, 2008

Mommy Life

My Mommy life has indeed been busy the past weeks. I have two very active kids , an 8 month old and a 4 year old girl. Just being with them and taking care of them all day long drains out all my energy. Honestly, I have little energy left in cleaning the house which is actually my least favorite chore. So, how do I avoid spending less energy cleaning? The answer? I seldom thoroughly clean the house and keep my fingers cross that no one would come and drop by. :)

But then, there are times that friends do come by and visit unannounced. So, this is the time I panic and like a whirlwind, takes out the clutter, do a bit of arranging and if I have time sweep the floor in a flash before I go out and open the gate for our guests! :) Since, I only kept things tidy for a few seconds, they living room won't be perfectly clean. But then I have an excuse, " Oh, sorry for the cluttered toys, my daughter has just been playing". :)

So, that's my secret in spending less energy cleaning ..LOL!! Oh, if there's only a better way to save energy in cleaning and really have a thoroughly CLEAN house. But I heard that the Dirt Devil has a better way to save energy. The new AccuCharge Stick Vac and Hand Vac use 70% less energy – making AccuCharge the first cordless cleaning technology to earn Energy Star approval.

If only have this type of Hi tech gadget in our house..then I don't need to fear and panic of unannounced visitors but instead I would immediately go out of the door , let them come in and gladly say " Welcome! Welcome to my humble abode!!"..." Come in ! Come in and see my shiny floor!!" LOL!


Sponsored by Dirt Devil AccuCharge

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