Jan 13, 2010

Lyle's Language

My li'l boy has already passed the age of 2 and this is the stage when it's just so cute to hear them 'talk'. If you ask me, my li'l boy can already talk in straight sentences and even asks questions. But the problem is that it's only our immediately family who can understand him. There are even times when I have to ask my li'l girl what Lyle is saying. Yes, my li'l girl has this gift of understanding languages that she can even understand her li'l brother's language. LOL!

Here is a sample on how my li'l boy talks:

" Amma, lai boi wet to tha egand and tha mosito bit me!" : Would you mind decoding this secret message for me? Hahaha!

Here is the translation:

" Amma, Lyle Boy ( that's him) went to the playground and the mosquito bit me!"

So, cute isn't it? I have to remind myself to record all these in video. :)

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