Oct 29, 2009

On Being Content and Debt Management

I was reading Airasia's in flight magazine when one article caught my attention. It tells of a man's ( who's a Filipino-American) who volunteered at Gawad Kalinga's program for the slum children for 6 months. Since he was raised in the US, he has never seen the reality of the poverty experienced by many of the Filipino people. His eyes were only opened during his volunteer work. But during his stay he has observed one thing common to the Filipinos in spite of their poverty - we are happy people.

When I read about this article, I can't help but agree with him. We meet a lot of our fellow Filipinos who barely has food to eat but one can still smile and be content. Even looking at the pictures during the recent flood, I can't help but notice some people wading through the waters but still with smile on their faces. I know we can even still crack a joke during our most difficult times.

I'm not sure if these people have debts or not or if they have approached a non profit debt management company. But what is one of the main keys of being happy? I think we just have to be contented with what we have and not to think of what we don't have. This, I always remind myself that God has given me so much and I don't have to sulk and be sad if I have one unanswered prayer. Let us be content of what God has given us , neither looking to the left nor to the right. And then, we would be grateful, happy and content.

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