Jun 21, 2008

TV Day

As I've posted before, my 4 year old girl's TV days has been limited only during the weekends. I could proudly say that she's no longer a TV/Cartoon addict now. Now, she doesn't ask me everyday , " Is today the time to watch TV?" but instead she forgets about her TV days. As disoriented ( with days and dates) as I am, I also forget about it. Last week, she wasn't able to watch any cartoons at all ( the whole week!) ..whew! That was a breakthrough!

Then this afternoon, while I was going around the house doing some chores, she was following me wherever I go. It was like I had a tail. I asked her to read a book, she said, she already finished. I asked her to do her activity book, she said she doesn't like. It's quite disturbing to have someone following you whenever you do your chores. I almost asked her just sit down in the living room ( but that's a tall order, since she just can't keep still) but then I remembered, that today is Cartoons Day!!

So, I excitedly announced to her that it's her TV day so she can just sit down and and watch TV. With her eyes sparkling, she exclaimed, " Oh, Today is the time I can watch TV!"and ran off to the living room. With this, I was able to wash the dishes and wash our clothes in peace and without someone hovering me. ;)


Jan said...

yeah, tv can be a good nanny/playmate sometimes. :)

tag diay ta ka love:



Micawatson said...

good for her to lay off the tv sometimes

Anonymous said...

that's nice! good discipline

fren_ace said...

wow ok ahh! that's relly something you proud off!

lareine said...

hi lalaine! (yep i'm still around though i'm not that much present in the blogosphere:))... well, i guess TVs have some redeeming qualities... we might not like them because they can turn or kids into couch potatoes... but then, you can depend on them when the need arises --- like keep kids from tailing us around the house:)... and congrats for being able to keep your daughter occupied enough to forget her fave TV cartoons!!! ... i can understand how proud you are because it's not easy:) *applause*applause*applause*

i hope you're having another wonderful and blessed week :)