Jul 1, 2008

The Motorcycle Ride

Finally, after several months I've ridden the motorbike again! I almost forgot that I could ride a motorbike. Yesterday, we were all just outside and playing with the kids and I saw the bike. So, I decided to ride it first and take Tricia for a ride around the neighborhood. She enjoyed it like I did! You know, the exhilarating feeling of the wind on your face and the speed (even if I didn't ride that fast).

Maybe I should ride the motorbike more often now and get back to my once routine of going by motorbike early in the morning to go to the gym.

Well, there's no hope for me to start tomorrow since it's already late and I can't wake up early for sure. I hope I could do that the next day. I'm keeping my hopes up and I really, really have to sleep early and STOP BLOGGING late at night. Well..good night now.


Unknown said...

cge kung mag motor2 na pod ka next time pasakya ko ha? hehehhe

Zeee said...

hi! please join my daily drops ring...I would be dropping by AND commenting to your posts daily or as often as I can. I'm making this ring because I do love reading your posts and commenting but it is just so hard to follow through even when I have you on my reader. Hope you would join. Thanks! Click here for the link.