Jun 2, 2008

Marriage Mondays - The Wedding

1st Monday Every Month at Chrysalis
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This is my first post for Marriage Mondays, actually I've joined this meme for quite a long time now, but since it's only every first Monday of the month, I always tend to miss it mostly because I'm disoriented with dates.:)

This month's topic is Our Wedding Day. This is actually a repost from my very personal blog. So, here is the shorter version..(?)
Our Wedding

I realized that indeed when it's GOd's perfect will for two people to become ONE, all things will truly be possible!

This is very true for me and my Hubby. After that long talk talk we had on the 1st of November , 8 years ago, we knew that we're not just going to be girl friend/boyfriend but soon to be wife and husband.

The 'problem' was, both of us were not financially capable to have a wedding at that time. But God gave us peace. When people asked us about wedding plans, we would bravely answer in faith that the wedding will take place in my Hubby's country and in September 2002. But in reality, we didn't have any money to spend anything at all and we didn't know how to do all the preparations.

It was quite a unique arrangement. A few months before the wedding I was still in the Philippines, my Hubby was in Thailand while the wedding was to take place in Malaysia. I only went to my Hubby's country a month before the wedding and so did he.

But we were indeed blessed and saw how God has provided people to help us. When I arrived in Malaysia, a lot of their church members and family were asking what they could do to help us. What amazed me, was that everything was so organized. There was practically committees from the church for our wedding. Some people were in charge for transport, food, accommodation and etc. whew! We were just blessed by such great love. Then little by little, day by day people will call us, send email or sms and tell us that they want to sponsor for the suit, shoes, wedding cake, dessert, and etc. The biggest surprise for us all was, when a couple took us to a jewelry shop and asked us to choose our wedding rings!

Even on my family's side, since the wedding is to take place in Malaysia, everyone has to have money to buy the plane tickets and travel expenses. But God provided! Even my sister who had a problem with her passport application (due to misspelled name in her birth certificate), got her passport a day before they were going to leave. So, on August 27th of 2000, 21 members of my family and friends left from our country to attend our wedding. Everyone came, my parents, siblings with their spouses, nephew, nieces, aunt, Ninang, Ninongs and church members.

Even if there seemed to be a lot of things that still needed to be done for our wedding day but our most special prayer to God was that HE will just be there, His presence will just overflow on that precious day and HE DID! So, on September 7th of 2002, me and my first love got united in the presence of God, family and friends. There was just peace and order on that very special day. Everything just fell according to place. Even the rain didn't push through. It just drizzled a bit, enough to wet the dry ground and cool the air. The crowd of 500 guests was not overwhelming ( yes, you read it right 500 guests..a typical number of guests for an Indian wedding) And the worship was beautiful..even more beautiful was that I was going to spend the rest of my life with the man I love.

THat was indeed the most memorable experience in my life..when God united me with the Love of my life...in sickness and in health, till death do us part. :)


Jana said...

What a wonderful story of God's provision and the love of His family! Thanks for sharing this!

Miriam Pauline said...

How blessed you are to be able to see the hand of God in all of your wedding celebration. Thank you for sharing your story.

Bogie said...

wow... what a touching story. :)

Julie Arduini said...

This is my first Marriage Monday and I loved reading your story. Such faith here! I loved reading about the cultural differences, especiall 500 guests. Wow.

Thank you for the great read!

Susannah said...

This is an unbelievable testimony of God's love and faithfulness... and His affirmation of your union!

Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today, Lalaine.

Blessings, e-Mom :~D

Susan said...

Oh this was really special.

I love that God put all of your wedding plans to together, so perfectly.

And then HE SHOWED UP! It just doesn't get better then this!

Blessings to you this MM! Glad you joined us♥

Anonymous said...

Awe-inspiring story. God is a good and faithful provider! Thanks for sharing this, and all the little miracles that led up to your wedding day.

Phebie said...

kinda relate wd ur story...How blessed we are if we have our God with us--our Great Provider!

Peculiar said...

This story was so precious. What a huge testimony!! God does provide doesn't He, and in such unique ways. His ways and thoughts are definitely higher than ours. He proved He was God in the face of what seemed to be impossible. Good for you for being on the receiving end of His grace. Thanks for sharing.

Tammy said...

What an incredible story of God's provision and love for you!
I loved reading this...
God bless!

Jan said...

love.. this is a nice post. i wasn't there on your wedding but of course, i saw it in the video. :) praise God for His faithfulness.

Jan Parrish said...

What a beautiful story of God's love and provision.

Micawatson said...

aaaayyy ka sweet. wla ko sa wedding niyo i was there sa engagement niyo and that was beautiful.

Charisma said...

Hi --- just blog hopping here...great story.>God Bless