Jun 11, 2008

Making A Difference!

Isn't it inspiring to read or hear of stories of people who has made a difference in others people's lives? What's more commendable is when we ourselves, no matter how small it may be can make a difference in other people's lives.

Let's take for example an inspiring story I've read in Reader's Digest Homepage of a 77 year old woman, Helen Little who has a mission to Haiti. She first heard about the poverty-stricken people of Haiti in the church and went to Haiti for a trip. There she realized the people's needs. After 20 years and 42 trips to Haiti later, she has helped build seven schools, four wells, one church, and an orphanage. In addition to that, she has personally provided countless pieces of furniture, clothing, medical supplies, and food to the suffering people. How? By simply going around yard sales and collecting clothings or anything she can gather and send it there. She also writes to different people and companies asking for financial support. As a result, there is indeed a major change in the streets of Haiti, streets are much cleaner and more children and going to school.

Amazing isn't? Helping others is not limited by where we are or how old we are. But we all can make our mark and make a difference in the lives of others. If you want to be inspired and be compelled to move away from your everyday lives and make a difference, then I suggest you read RD.com - Make Your Mark . We always want to live in a better world, isn't? Then, I guess, it's time for us to stop complaining and take our step and reach out for those who are in need. As for me, my little step this week will be to gather my daughter's small clothes and give it to the children in the village this Saturday. What about you?

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