May 30, 2008

Warm Night and Cold Ice Cream


It's a warm night in here now. The Thai Summer has already passed but I could still feel the heat. It's nice to drink something cold or eat a yummy ice cream like the picture shown above ( that would even be better). Looking at the photo makes me crave for an ice cream..I better call my Hubby and ask him to buy one for me.

There's actually an ice cream creation contest going on now where your kids can get to make your own signature creation and get their friends to buy it. It's quite an interesting ice cream contest. It's not the typical ice cream eating contest I've known and joined when I was just a kid.

It's quite simple to join the Awesome Cold Stone Contest . Each contestant must be 13-19 years old. They've got to come up with their own Creation using the ingredients found at any Cold Stone Creamery, give it a clever name then, they let their friends and family try their creation and have them vote online. It's a fun contest and not to mention that the grand prize winner wins up to $30,000 worth of prizes! If only I could still join...then I could eat my delicious creation and have a taste of the others creation too.

Hmmm...back to real life..when is my Hubby and ice cream coming?...can't wait to eat one now.


Zeee said...

I've tried cold stone while I was in New York and it was really yummy!

they mix your ice cream right in front of you, too!

I also love it when they sing different cold stone jingles every few minutes! hahahaha :)

Anonymous said...

i love ice cream! and i'd love it even more if i could join that contest and make my own one!