May 30, 2008

My Domain Problem

Oh...I'm so sad and a little bit frustrated already..On May 10, after much consideration, I finally bought a domain. After two days of waiting, the domain tha I bought wasn't working. So, I contacted my domain provider and they said there's an error when I bought it.And they refunded me.. THen, on May 13, I tried again and bought the same domain..and still the same after many days of waiting. Nothing happened, my custom domain still isn't working. I've been contacting google and Go Daddy about my problem and we've been exchanging quite a number of emails already but still my domain isn't working. Haaayyy......

Maybe I should just stay in my blogspot URL? What do you think? I'm losing hope now..:) Or maybe I should wait and be more patient and hope that this custom domain problem of mine gets fixed. As they said, patience is a virtue and I'll keep on contacting google aps and Go Daddy and wait till this gets fixed.Then, when my custom domain is ups, I'm sure to celebrate!!

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