Feb 27, 2008

Hot Oil Treatment

I just did my hair treatment for today. After my excessive hair fall, I'm really serious now of taking good care of my hair by giving it at least a once a week Hot Oil Treatment. My friend blessed me by giving me the electronic treatment cap and my Nanay gave me 3 bottles of Virgin Coconut oil from the Philippines. The Coconut oil has been with me for several monthsnow but never got to use it and even gave 1 bottle to my mother-in-law. I've heard a lot of good 'testimonials' about this oil and hopefully it will work well for me. I just need to be consistent with treating my hair.
My Mom-in-law said that since she was using the VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) her hair stayed black for a long time. My sister also said, that my brother in law has consistently used this and he has new hair growing in his scalp. Unbelievable? I think this natural oil really does wonders. I remember the time when we were still small and our grandma will chew the coconut in her mouth, spit it out and put it on our hair (LOL!), while we bathe in the river (picture on the upper right) during the weekends. We all had thick beautiful hair that time and even my Grandma had long beautiful hair. Haay..those were the days....I miss those days, I miss my sweet Grandma too..;)


Aisha said...

The real virgin coconut oil is the way your grandma did it. The coconut milk once it mixes with the saliva has an enzyme that will cause the hair to become more shiny..joke! :D
Now I want to try pud. I tried VCO but it still taste yucky even the flavored ones.

Lalaine said...

aisha!I almost believed you! I thought that's what you've learned in your school! hhahaha!!

Aisha said...

LOL! Grabe ako katawa, Love!

Joy0z said...

Isn't it really effective? Oh well, I have tried that before. VCO for 30 minutes before taking a bath. It does make my hair shine but I guess it has nothing to do with my hairfall. Segi man gihapon pangarow akoa hair oy!

Unknown said...

Yes, i tried it too and it's really nice. yes, ako sad grandma sigehan mi ug butang ug inosap na lubi sa among ulo..heheheh

Jan said...

i also gave my vco to my mom-in-law coz i wasn't using it.