May 25, 2008

7 months old!

My baby is 7 months old now!! He can now walk holding something..and cruise around his crib.

A few days ago, I was so happy because we hear his first word which was "Amma!" That's me, Amma is the tamil word for Mother...I was ecstatic when I heard that his first word was me..but then..while he kept saying and calling.."Amma...amma"..but his face was directed towards his Appa!..hahahaha!! He was actually calling his Appa, "Amma!" but anyways, I'm still happy at least it was my name he blurted out first.:) In due time he'll be able to associate "amma" with me and "appa" for my Hubby. ;)

If you want to check out my Li'l here

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