Sep 22, 2012

All Tickets Booked!

Whew!! We finally finished booking all of our tickets for our trip back home this December. Since Hubby is leaving earlier than us, we had to make flight bookings 6 times ( international and domestic flights). We are actually on a tight budget and so we had to wait for promotional fares before we make our bookings. So that explains why we have to make separate bookings. Thank God that we've completed everything now and  I believe we saved a lot of money by buying the promotional fares. I believe it takes patience and faith to travel on a budget. Honestly, I was already tempted to book our tickets on a regular fare with the fear that the prices will go up as our flight dates come nearer. But it's my Hubby who tells me to pray and wait for awhile because maybe there will be upcoming seat sales. And true enough, seat sales come one by one and you just have to be wise to choose the best offer. 

Thank God for everything and we're excited to be with our family back again.

 Taken during our trip to the Philippines in 2011

1 comment:

Roy Keller said...

This wwas lovely to read