Feb 24, 2010

Craft Time

While waiting to start homeschool for my li'l girl, I want to occupy much of her time doing some readings ( self-reading and read alouds) and crafts. I actually just have approximately 2 hours a day to do all these with her. This 2-hour 'homeschool' is the time when my li'l boy is asleep. I've tried to involve him doing crafts with his big sister, but it always end up into a disaster. He grabs whatever material his older sibling has ( even if he's holding his own) or colors on her sister's coloring page. Of course, the sister will flare up in anger as she considers her work very precious and so she's so protective of it. So, you could imagine the stress if both of them have craft work together huh?

That explains, why we have to wait for him to take his nap first, before I could do a bit of 'homeschooling' for my girl.

Anyways, writing this reminds me to drop by in one of the bookstore/ stationary shops within this week, to buy some craft materials such as colored papers, printed boxes, play dough and etc.