Jan 6, 2010

Where Is It?

We've just moved in to this new house a few days ago and even if we've already settled quite well but there are still a lot of things that are needed to be unpacked and put into their proper places. So, our guest room has been turned into a stock room for now. It's quite a messy place out there but we frequently visit that room to get some of our stuff or looking for the missing things.

Just for example the warranty card for our center's laptop computer . We already found all the laptop's manual, receipts and etc. but except for the warranty card. We badly need it now since it has some problems and it needs to be fixed. Oh, where could that be?

I better start unpacking those stuff from our guest room/ stock room, who knows I might find that precious warranty card while doing so.

1 comment:

honey_nonz said...

sometimes ate, lisod hanapon nang gamitonon na..cge lang makit an ra lage to nimo..