Jan 30, 2010

Funny Lyle

Yep, that's our my li'l boy and he's a funny one. I think he's really born a comedian because as early as now, he can already do all these goofy faces just to make us laugh. And he just loves it when his 'audience' is amused and laughs at his funny antics.

There will even be times when I could hear Tricia and him just giggling together at the living room because he'll be doing all those funny faces. " Do it again..do it again!" ( giggle...giggle). He also loves to tickle his sister and won't stop until she's had too much of it.. and from giggles, and laughter that will soon lead to a fight and a cry. LOL! That's why I have to stop them from having too much fun because I know that it'll lead to someone is getting too much of it.

Anyways, I just thought of sharing this photo before I go to sleep. Actually, I don't feel like sleeping yet. Maybe, I'll just have to check some articles first at Article Alley Article Directory . I've heard that they've got lots of interesting articles on various topics. I want to search an article about diet and diet tips, maybe I'll find some helpful information there.


grace said...

hahahaha makalingaw sya

His Unfailing Love said...

enjoy gid si kuya Em2 kay Lyle boy