Nov 24, 2009

New Hair Cut For My Kids

Today is a " Hair Cut" Day. We went out as a family to have our kids hair cut. My li'l girl actually wants her hair to be long but then, she still doesn't know how to take care of her hair so, we decided to have it cut to make her look neater. She really protested on having a hair cut but I was finally able to convince her.

Our li'l boy on the other hand, seems to have had a 'phobia' on hair cuts. He was okay to have his hair cut during the past months, but he kinda got scared after one 'scary' looking, unfriendly barber cut his hair in Malaysia. So, that's the history of their hair cuts and here is the story of our Hair Cut Day:


This was just a start of his protest of having his hair cut. After this 'sad face', a loud cry followed plus the struggle to go down from the high chair. I wasn't able to take a picture of the 'struggle' anymore since I was already so busy trying to calm him down.

Then, I thought of an idea to calm him down.. " Balloon!!". There's a balloon shop beside the saloon so I asked Hubby to buy for him one.

The balloon trick worked! Lyle calmed down and his attention was diverted to the balloon. The barber on the other hand was talking to him and asking about his balloon.

So, there it is! A Barber, A Boy and a Balloon!


My girl on the other hand was fine throughout her hair cut. She sat like a lady and was smiling the whole time as the hair dresser was talking to her.Tricia must have felt like a grown up having her hair cut by someone that's not her Mom..heheh!

So, this is my kids' new haircut. Thanks to Salon de France for their hair .. They have good and gentle barbers and hairdressers too.

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