Nov 7, 2009

I Won the Handy Manny Give Away

The towel and bath gel.. image taken from another blog since my camera is broken

Yes! I won the Handy Manny giveaway. I posted about joining this contest last September and I wasn't really sure if I won it or not since I didn't receive any calls or email about it.

But when we arrived home yesterday ( after being away for almost 2 weeks) I was surprised to receive two packages from Singapore. We have some friends from Singapore and I thought that the package must come from them. When I saw the contents of the package were Bath Towel and Body Gel, I was still puzzled. It was only when I opened it and saw the big Handy Manny image in the towel and the Flicker bath gel that it occurred to me that I won the Handy Manny give away! Hahaha! It's such a blessing!

I was jumping with joy and excitedly gave the prize to my li'l girl. And guess what, I received 2 packages which means that I won the contest twice ( on different days). So, we gave the other set to Tricia's cousin Timo, who was also so happy.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Winning contests and giveaways has now motivated me more to join more contests...

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