Mar 11, 2008

When Blogging is No Longer Fun!

I used to enjoy every bit of my blogging life until I decided to monetize it. :) Only then I realized that to get more opportunities to write advertisements, I need to have PR, heavy traffic or site visits, links and etc. So, I tried my best. I remember there was a day, when I didn't do anything else but applied in several directories and forums. I did all the tags , exchanged links and etc. as they said it will increase technorati and stuff.
So, in other words, the 'fun' in blogging diminished since I was already so serious in doing it..where it became "work". I would be so busy bloghopping because I 'needed' to have a lot of links and etc. It would have been better if I got a lot of opportunities or approved blogs from my 'work'. But nothing much happened except another for 3-4 sponspored posts after all the hard work ( in other words, naning kau ko). I also applied for other get paid to blog sites but there were no tasks available for me,.
And then the time came, when I got my tiny weeny PR1. So, I thought it was an opportunity for me to apply again for the 'best' get paid to post site (where I heard they have a lot of opportunities for bloggers). But then a few days later my PR went back to zero. So I thought that my application for the said site must be rejected again because of my zero PR. And just a few days ago, I received an email from them and said that my blog has been declined because of ..... lack of original content!..hahaha! Joker! then I thought, it must be because of the several tags, viral links, meme and etc. that I've done. I became sad a bit because I lost my chance of earning from that site.
So, in summary it was only when I decided to monetize my blog that I've felt these 'frustrations', 'discouragements' and etc..hehehe! not that deep, but I think you understand what I'm trying to say. My focus and motive has completely changed that's why. Maybe if I didn't decide to monetize my blog, I should have been happily blogging myself away without all these ups and downs.
I'm sure the next question in your mind right now would be : Would I be continuing to monetize my blog? And the answer would be Yes! But I think I will have to shift my motive now right back to where it once belong. I'm blogging because it's fun! It makes me express my thoughts, share my views and ideas and meet new friends. I'm not blogging just for the money. If I make that my main motive, it'll dampen my joy since, it'll create pressure for me..trying to let my blog make money when it's not yet in the capacity to do so. So, I resolved that when opportunities to make money come, I'll take it ..if not, then I won't have to try that hard to get it. No hard work and no pressures for me and then it'll continue to be fun!!
PS. by the way, I would like to apoligize for my blogger friends who tagged me. I think I have more than 10 tags to make. I'm sorry for not being able to do your tags as I was so busy last week. Please forgive me..huhuhu! I was thinking that if I make all the tags now, it's already too late. So maybe let's start afresh and tag me again next time?? What dyu think?....but in the meantime, if I feel up to it tomorrow, I might be able to do a tag or two.
Good Night Everyone!!


desperateblogger said...

i totally agree.once you integrate money with blogging you'd be hard-pressed to increase your PR...

let's just enjoy our blogs and if on the side we earn extra... then fine.. have a nice day =)

Mommy Lutchi said...

Yes girl,I've been blogging for years now. Early last year lang ako nag umpisa ng paid blogging...I don't have any regrets at all because I have made a few...kasi naman PR and google was not a pain in a butt pah before.
But when my PR's went to Zero...I was upset a little but hey... TRUE bloggers do what bloggers need to do..enjoy blogging while you can.

So many bloggers na ngayon ang nagsulputan at most of them dahil gustong kumita ...I do not blame them...they have the rights to blog and to earn too.

Kaya hala blog nalang tayo ng blog and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

i like when you deal this topic. I was also entices to do the blogging for money.. but i felt that so much stuff to learn and so on...
For now, i think, i 'll stick to blogging only.I need to learn how to really open up in blogging.
One thing that i like about blogging,i see people like you.

Oliver dela Torre said...

Great Site, great blog posts and you deserved those awards.

Anonymous said...

i haven't been able to blog hop lately that's why i was not able to see this post. anyway, i kinda felt the same way too. but i started blogging because of money honestly, i need to earn while at home. but as for the PR and all other stuff, i have lost the interest to work hard on it. if it will come, it will. i stopped checking my PR too and haven't research about it. for now, i will enjoy what will come my way, that's all and that's it. enjoy blogging but still the traditional way! nice post!!!