Mar 30, 2008

Weekend Snapshot 11

We went to Phuket this weekend (that explains my absence in the blogosphere) , actually it was plainly for 'business' but of course, when you're in Phuket, you can't help but mix a little pleasure with it. So, during our free times we went sightseeing and even had a chance to dine in in Patong Beach. We surely enjoyed our trip!
When we went around, I was continually amazed at how beautiful the beaches are and gave me a chance to truly appreciate God's wonderful creation. It's just awesome!
I know my photos won't do justice in capturing the beauty of what we saw ( and not ot mention I didn't take a lot of photos)..:) But anyways, take a look at it and maybe it'll encourage you to visit Thailand and see it for yourself.

When we went to Patong Beach at night, we saw all these signages all around. It leads you to the Evacuation Route in case of Tsunami. This BEach was badly hit by the Tsunami waves 3 years ago, where thousands of people died.

The signages reminded me of that terrible disaster and I couldn't imagine a 20 meters(?) wave on that exact area where we stood and the casualities that occured. It really gave me goosebumps. I was reminded of the amount of tears shed and prayers we have uttered for those people who have been affected by it. It was sad and I hope and pray that a disaster like that won't happen again. * sigh*


Carver said...

That looks like a beautiful place to visit. I know what you mean about the signs. It is terrible when lives are lost.

Jan said...

beautiful phuket. my home for three years last time.

Micawatson said...

natag naan ko lagi ngano absent ka,hehehe! i wish one day mkaadto ko dha ba..hehehe

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Phuket has really nice beaches :)
I can imagine your pang of pain when you saw the Tsunami signage :(

p/s: The bottom of the space-net my kids were climbing only had sand below. Quite a scary thought if someone slip and fall. Not sure if he/she will drop bottom onto the sand or get stuck between those ropes.

SandyCarlson said...

What a beautiful place. Those boats have an interesting shape. God bless!

Bogie said...

Lovely photos te!

DebbieDana said...

WOW!!!! The views were spectacular!!! Soooo beautiful,wish we could visit the place.

eastcoastlife said...

Phuket is beautiful, I need to go for a holiday!

Unknown said...

wow!nice pics.Never been to phuket but I would love to go there one day.I only been to hatyai.:)

Lannel said...

nice views u have there ate!