Mar 17, 2008

Taggy Time and Awards!

It's time to get back to tagging galore..:) I've been on a break with tags/awards for quite a long time now and I'm sure some of you may have been wondering what happened to the tags you gave me.

So, now I would like to let everyone know that I've scheduled to do my tags every monday and I'll be putting all in one post. I'm so sorry if this is inconvenient for some of you. Reason? Because I still want to reapply (maybe in a few weeks time) in the get paid to post site which I've been declined due to my blog ' which lacks original content' (that's what they said..huhuhuh!) As far as I know, my posts are all original so, I made the tags, viral links a culprit for this rejection. LOL! But don't despair, I'm still going to accept tags, links and etc but as I've said, I'll only post them once a week and put everything in one post. Would that be okay for ya?

LEt the tagging begin here ---------------------------------------------------------------------

I've been tagged by Bogie, Tabitha, ALje and Shiela. Thanks girls! :)
8 Random Facts about me.

In the 8 Facts About Yourself, you share 8 things that your readers don’t know about you. Then at the end you tag at least 8 other bloggers to keep the fun going.

Here are the rules:

* Each blogger must post these rules first.

* Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
* Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.****

8 Random Facts about me.
1. I am the youngest child in our family and as any youngest child, I'm 'special' in the eyes of my parents (am I?) thus my siblings created a title for me, The Golden Child..LOL!

2. Both my pinky fingers are crooked..and you know what, my HUbby's pinky toes are also crooked! LOL! As my HUbby proudly says, "we are indeed made for each other!" heheheh!

3. I took up Interior Design in the university but never got to practice it.

4. I know a little of almost everything but never got the chance to master anything...i.e. painting, playing the piano, guitar, singing, dancing, cooking, baking, driving (!), swimming and etc.

5. I was a NBSB Club (No Boyfriend Since Birth) member (and president?) until the age of 24 when I had my first boyfriend, no other that my Dear Husband!

6. I love to eat!! :)

7. I'm a bit shy and it takes extra effort for me to approach and befriend new faces and start a conversation but now I'm improving a bit since I have a "coach" (my hubby).

8. Last, but most important of ALL, I believe in the life-saving grace and love of God through Jesus in whom we may have eternal life if we believe.

Now I want to tag: Nisha, Zhoe, Rach , Aisha , Desperate Blogger and Bernadeth

Pay it Forward Tag

I've been tagged by Ruby. Thanks Rubs and sorry that it took quite some time for me to post it.

>>>> Tag Starts Here <<<<

Pay it Forward (Comments Edition)

Okay one precious thing a blogger just like me can get is a comment/reaction to a specific post you have made. And being friends with co-blogger is a great bonus! Why not put them together and make our virtual world pure fun and loving.

Just like the movie “Pay It Forward”, its all about good deeds and everything follows. . .

All you have to do is to give 1 comment to at least 3 person. 1 comment per post and as much as possible, make your comment relevant to their post so they get quality comment and not a “cute nice spam”. And then tag them to do the same. Note that You can tag as many bloggers as u want, which means you will be commenting on all of them too! Those who are tagged, should give back the love and comment on the site who tagged them.

meaning: 1st person (tag and start commenting) - - > 2 person (been tagged, give a comment back to 1st person, tag and start commenting) - - > 3rd person (been tagged, give comment back to 2nd person, tag and start commenting) - - until eternity - -

Then add your link here:
Nelle, Pinay Mommy Online, OnlineBiz and Resources, Lalaine's World, INSERT YOUR LINK HERE

>>>> Tag Ends Here <<<<

Now, I want to tag Bogie, Catsy, Noemi and ALje

Awards Galore

I've received this award specially designed and heartfelt given by Nisha. Thanks Nish, I really appreciate this.

Bernadeth and Angel also gave me a HUG!! Thanks so much for this HUG..appreciate it!

And lastly Angel gave me this bunch of Awards...Thanks friend, that in spite of your busyness you still remembered me!! :)


Nisha said...

Hi Lalaine, thanks for putting my award on your blog. you truly deserved it congrats on all the other awards too.. and did you read the review i left for you on linkref?

Jan said...

love, great idea of doing the tag on Mondays. I thought of doing this too when I came across my friend's blog and she does the same thing. She calls it Meme Monday. I also have lots o'tag waiting for me. Hope to do them soon.

Anonymous said...

HI I found your site with LinkReferral and I love it. I am just wondering what is tagging. Can you tell I am new to this. I am looking to find people to visit my site and maybe click on a link or 2. I live in Canada and I am on disability and I am looking at maybe making a little bit of money on my blog. Its not easy living on so little. Anyway I just wanted to say hi and say I like your blog and ask what tagging is. Oh I am going to leave you a review.


Anonymous said...

LOL I'm still a member of the NBC. Though i've dated a lot, no boyfriend, lol.

Heart of Rachel said...

Thanks for the tag. I will post it in a while.