Mar 22, 2008

Graduation Party!

Today was the graduation party of the English Summer Workshop we organized for the kids. I thank God that everything went well and the kids with their parents really enjoyed the whole event.

Our lil girl graduated too as she also joined the whole workshop. She truly had fun since she was able to meet a lot of new friends. Even if she's a late riser, she managed to get up every morning ( after several "give me 5 more minutes to sleep, Amma") and go to school. The workshop is actually for the Thai children to learn English but my girl just enjoys being with them to sing songs, dance and do crafts. Her bestfriend, David is also there, so that adds her excitement.

So, during the graduation, I was surprised that my girl danced and sang (with the other children) on the stage. She would always tell me that she'll only sing/dance in front of me but not on the stage. She's not really shy but maybe she just have some stage fright or not really exposed to these things. Today was a breakthrough for her on the aspect of performing in front of other people. And for that, I'm proud of her that she was able perform on the stage. (Wait till she goes to the Philippines, her talent manager is already waiting for her there! LOL! ) And you know what, she also got an award, "BEst Singer Award" (hahaha! sa walay pabor pabor!.........Stage mom gyd!)

Tricia receiving 'her' certificate...there's a story behind this..:)

Tricia receiving her award. (applause...applause..)

Anyways, the highlight of the entire program was when all the children sang and interpreted "GLowing Inside" song by NIkke Gil. Thanks to Bogie who suggested this for their graduation song. We made this part of the presentation quite special. While they sang the song, we put in the LCD projector the video (we got from You Tube) of the song. It was good because maybe even if the Thai parents did not fully understand the lyrics of the song, but the message of the video was clear in which the daughter appreciates and is grateful for everything that the mother has done for her. Then right after the children sang the song, they all went to their mother/father, hugged, kissed them and gave them a rose....and ohhhh, there were a lot of teary eyed parents after that (including the writer, even if I was already aware that they were supposed to do this :) ) It was indeed a touching moment.

Thank God that Batch 1 of the workshop is done! Now, we're excited to go to Phuket and then....Batch 2 of the workshop begins! How to enjoy Phuket lah...if there's still work awaiting after that? LOL! My plan now is to finish all my work first before the Phuket 'Break', that gives me about 4-5 days ... I guess I won't be that visible then for the next 5 days but of course I'll always be tempted to post something or take a peek at some of your blogs..:)



Unknown said...

Thank God!

janet said...

congratulations on the success of your summer workshop!

Bogie said...

hi te.. looks like it was fun. Same gihapon ang idea nga amo gibuhat nga nag hug dayon sa parents pagkahuman sa song. he.he.he.he

Prily said...

Hi,friend,Congrats to your lovely daughter and to you also!You know the accomplishments of our kids are also our accomplishments.
And thanks to your very nice review in LR.Now,you deserve a break,my friend and have fun in Phuket or where else you want.Hahahaha!We'll just be here awaiting for you!Take care!