Mar 4, 2008

8 Random Things About my Kids

I've been tagged by Ruby. Thanks Ruby! Actually, I still have a lot of other tags to do (which came before this) , but a Stage Mom as I am, I'm just so tempted to do this first. LOL! :) So, here it is...

8 Random Things about my Li'l Princess, Tricia.

1) When Tricia was only 3 weeks old, she was already able to travel by ship ( Cagayan to Cebu), by airplane ( Cebu-KK-Kuala Lumpur) and by Train ( Malaysia- Thailand).

2) Tricia was born in the Philippines.

3) She surprised all of us by using the word 'dangerous' (in a sentence) when she was only 1 year and 7 months old.

4) Now at almost 4 years old, she still drinks milk using the milk bottle and uses the diapers when sleeping.
5) She's the one 'assigned' to pray before we leave the house. Just today, she prayed this, "...that no parts of the enemies can touch us, Lord" ;) ?!?

6) In a day she changes clothes (by herself) 4-5 times!! arrghh...that's why my laundry seems never ending.

7) She talks unceasingly throughout the day!

8) She says 'excuse me' like hundred times a day. She uses that as an opening phrase to everything..Excuse me, Amma can I watch cartoons?, Excuse me, Appa can I have that toy?....
8 Random things about my Precious One, Lyle

1) He was born in Thailand. He has both Thai and Malaysian Birth certificate and Malaysian passport.

2) He loves to jump up and down when you hold him.

3) When he was born, he looked like me but now he looks like my Hubby.

4) He hasn't been to the Philippines yet so, his cousins, aunts/uncle hasn't seen him in person yet....( but another few more months we'll be there, yipee!!)

5) When he was born, my Hubby was the first one to see him as my hubby witnessed my C-section operation.

6) He adores his Ate. He just keeps on staring at his Ate, laugh at her 'jokes' and hold her always.

7) He doesn't cry much. When in pain, he just cries for awhile.

8) He tasted his first Ice-cream today (just a little bit) and he loves it and was trying to grab my ice-cream.

Now, I want to tag my new blogger friends Shiela, Wildcatlady and Ellen. I hope you'll enjoy this tag just like I did.


Jan said...

i laughed at the part where tricia said "no parts of the enemy can touch us." hehehe. she's amazing.

Anonymous said...

OH such wonderful kids you've got Lalaine, you're so lucky, I hope they'd grow up to be very healthy and god fearing kids. But with your around to take care of them, I'm sure they would.

Joy0z said...

Alam mo kasi kasalanan ko rin yung blog ko joydob wala PR kasi 3x ko puli url niya ba. Hinayang bitaw ko. Pero tan awun lang kung mo age 3months akoa new domain.

Jan said...

love, tag ta ka. just take your time. i know you have many tags to do.

Anonymous said...

CUTE KIDS!! I know how it feels like being a mom.So so soooo happyehhh!!I have an eight-month-old daughter..I posted her pics too at my site.I wanna have a baby boy too..uhm after 3 yrs? LOL

lareine said...

you've got lovely kids... nice to meet them :) enchante!

Dines said...

Hi Love,

Dina Maliza Martens here. I randomly came across your blogs whenI was browsing the net. I sure like how you put them together. You've got beautiful family there! Your little ones are very cute! I've got a couple blogs but I'm trying to hide my profile. You could check one of them... here you go...

Lalaine said...

t dines,

dli ko mka access sa imo blog man uy.ang ako blog imo na copy paste..;)