Sep 7, 2010

The Mysterious Purchase

Our CC bill has arrived and there was one purchase that we can't quite figure out. It wasn't from an airline or a supermarket where we often use our card. So, I checked on receipts from my wallet and couldn't find any receipt from that shop where it was billed. It was indeed very mysterious. So, I tried to recall where we went on the date is was billed but couldn't remember. I then went to my blogs and Facebook because just maybe I would be able to find clues on our whereabouts on that date but didn't find any.

I called my Hubby and asked him if he recalled us going to that shop or buying anything on that day, but then he also couldn't remember anything. Sigh! We were already thinking that maybe our card was hacked or something. But still it would be quite impossible because the bill wasn't very high too. It's not like the card was used to purchase designer sunglasses like Prada sunglasses or Ray Ban sunglasses which by the way are on sale online at with great prices.

So, the whole evening I was thinking about that mysterious purchase until my Hubby came back from work. It was only then when we tried to recall together that there was one time I bought milk for our boy at a supermarket and used the card. And when we recalled the date, it was the same date our card was billed. Maybe then the owner of the supermarket is the same owner for the shop where our card was billed, and they just used the wrong swipe machine. So, finally the mystery was solved and I'll no longer be thinking about this 'mystery purchase' the whole night. Whew!!

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