Aug 24, 2010


I've declared in my Facebook status a few days ago that I will be won't be around in FB for the next 21 days. I'm actually on a fast and thought of giving up Facebook for awhile too. Facebook is actually one of the things we can live without but ironically it takes a lot from our time ( well, that's for me actually) . I know it requires a lot of discipline to regulate FB, but I'm still at a point when my few minutes of checking my friends' status becomes an hour or two. So, as a result I tend to forget a lot of other 'things to do'. Blogging actually had that kind of effect on me when I was still starting, but then as time went on, I was able to regulate it. And even now, I have come to a point when I have to 'force' myself to blog so, my writing assignments won't expire.

So, this is Day 2 of being FB Free, and so far, so good! :)

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