Our girl is happy that she's back to her room now. She just told me that she missed sleeping in her own room. She has actually been co sleeping with us when we had guests for the past month. And now she's back to her own 'abode'. I can see that my li'l girl is indeed growing up so fast. She now likes to hang out in her room, reading her books and doing some 'science' experiments on her own. We still have to bring back her homeschool materials back to the room and I'm quite relieved for that since our li'l boy always meddles with all her materials.
As for our li'l guy, I think he's not prepared to be in his own room for now. He's still wearing his nappies at night and asks for milk at the middle of the night. I think I'll have to wait until he turns three. I know that might seem quite late for some parents but I think it's kind of an "Asian" thing for small kids to sleep with the parents. Anyways, once our boy is ready then we need to think of doing up his room to motivate him to sleep there. We would then need a kids bedding and some interesting decorations and glow in the dark stuff. Gone are the days when we use the crib bedding or baby bedding, our kids are indeed growing up and they're growing up really fast.

Tricia's dream room would look something like this.
As for our li'l guy, I think he's not prepared to be in his own room for now. He's still wearing his nappies at night and asks for milk at the middle of the night. I think I'll have to wait until he turns three. I know that might seem quite late for some parents but I think it's kind of an "Asian" thing for small kids to sleep with the parents. Anyways, once our boy is ready then we need to think of doing up his room to motivate him to sleep there. We would then need a kids bedding and some interesting decorations and glow in the dark stuff. Gone are the days when we use the crib bedding or baby bedding, our kids are indeed growing up and they're growing up really fast.

Tricia's dream room would look something like this.
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