May 30, 2008

Home School Challenges

Since I've started to teach my daughter how to read and with the 'ban' of cartoons and TV during the the weekdays, I've been motivated to seriously do homeschooling for her this year. So, a few days ago, I made a schedule for her and posted it on the fridge. The schedule includes the subjects for her to study and the activities she'll do daily. Then, I started to search in the internet different activities and worksheets for each subject. I really found a lot of resources. I already envisioned an enthusiastic student and energetic mother for the next few days.

But today, I found out that for all those schedules to be done, I need more preparation, more patience and more energy. I couldn't explain but I just feel so tired for the past two days. I guess my kids are just getting more active or am I getting older and weaker? hahaha!! Anyways, I'll just put off the homeschooling shcedule for next week and I'll just do a bit more preparation and exercise ( for me to be more energized) LOL!

On the other hand, our 20 minute daily reading lesson with Tricia has been going very well. She can now in read..not memorize or guess the's amazing..but her reading is still limited to few words. Today she read a sentence from the book. Sam is mad at me. and we're just in Day 17.. there are still 83 more days to go before we finish the program. I can't wait!

1 comment:

lareine said...

congrats to tricia, and of course to the mommy who's teaching her:)... that's great progress! well, don't rush with the schedule... take your time preparing because this is as important as the actual teaching... if you're prepared, you can explain it better and you can even find ways of making the lesson easier for the kids...

sorry, i haven't been that visible in the blogosphere... i've been a bit busy this month... but hopefully, i'll be able to return to my "normal routine" in the coming days :)...

take care and enjoy the weekend :)