Apr 13, 2008

Weekend Snapshot 11

Today is Songkran Festival here in Thailand. Songkran is the Thai NEw year and the Thais celebrate by sprinkling or pouring water on people. They believe that as they start the New year, everything must be cleansed and the bad spirits will be cleansed by washing with water. So, this explains why everyone is out there sprinking or pouring water to whoever they meet. They pour cold water and put the prickly heat powder on everyone.

Since today is a Sunday, we all went to church. I was expecting people to come to church drenched with water but quite the contrary, everyone came in dry. I don't know how they did that..they either came to church by car or maybe some of them brought clothes with them.
IN the church, we celebrated Songkran by pouring water on the elderly people's hand, not to cleanse them from bad spirits ( since we believe that water cannot cleanse us but only through Jesus we can be wholly cleanse) but as a symbol of blessing them. It was a very nice gesture. The younger generations pouring water on their hands and the elderly prays for the younger ones in return.
THen on our way home, this is the scene which we have seen. It was amusing how everyone, young and old alike are ready to 'shoot' everyone with water. It looks so fun!

ANd lastly, this policeman was not exempted..look at him, he's so wet with powder on his face! LOL!! Pity , Mr. Policeman.

Have a blessed week ahead !


SandyCarlson said...

Thanks for sharing the story behind your New Year! May it be blessed. Wonderful photos.

Carver said...

I enjoyed learning about your New Year and great set of photographs.

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

thanks for sharing, fun way to celebrate the new year

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the education on your New Year.

Natalie said...

That water fight looks like a blast!

Anonymous said...

As for the Catholics here in the Philippines, it is the feast of Saint John the Baptist, where people shower each other with water.

My weekend snapshots are now up, too! If you have time, please check it out here, here and here. Thanks. Have a great week ahead.

Portia said...

hahaha! i like it! looks like the San Juan Day in our country.hahaha! nice pics,sis!nice to meet u online!i love your posts!more power!

Bogie said...

wow... it reminds me of my wonderful days in Thailand.. laina nimo te uy... he.he.he..

Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious said...

wow, that looks like fun! i used to play water fights when i was in high school. thanks for reminding me of my fond memories. :)

Jean Chia

Aisha said...

SONGKRAN!!! I love Songkran festival! Love to look at the policemen during this time!