Nov 3, 2011

Wednesday Whites: Little Dishwasher

Here's my little dishwasher in white. Ever since our flooring has been raised ( which meant our sink become lower)my daughter can easily reach the sink and can wash the dishes comfortably. Though she's not our regular dishwasher yet, but I'm glad that she loves to do the dishes whenever we ask her too.


Seow wei said...

you got a good helper, visiting from ww.

enzo said...

good girl...dishwashing is one of the things i can really do best...thanks lalaine for visiting my WW...hope to see you again...

AliehS said...

ohh dear thats really a good break for mommy. i cant wait to pass on to my little kikay this chores someday hehehe

Jessica said...

awwww whaat a big helper for Mommy, good job sweetie :-) keep it up!!! visiting for WW, hope that you can visit me back too

loveablecasandra said...

What a god girl:)

Visiting for WW! Hope you can visit me too..

travelholic said...

Wow! Such a good girl! My daughter is the same thing. She wants to help me in any household chore that I do. She cried the other night because I didn't want her to wash the dishes and she said she really wanted to help me when I complained to the bana that I felt tired to do anything in the kitchen. Lol.

Late WW visit :)
Ice Craze and Sundae

raya said...

good on you, Laine! congrats on your brand new dishwasher! haha! thanks for sharing this and tell ate Tricia we are all impressed at her being very responsible!