Sep 14, 2011

The Low Sink

We have a low sink. It didn't use to be low before, but since our house owner raised up our flooring, then our sink is not on it's standard height anymore. Since I'm not very tall, I don't really find this as a problem except when I have a lot of dishes to wash then I would feel back ache after. But my kids have loved going to the kitchen to wash their hands and their dishes since the height is just right for their size.

For awhile I thought of asking our owner to change our sink but then, I thought it's not really a need for now because anyways, we have plans of moving out. Our house owner is a kind man and I'm sure he will grant our request. I think even if we request to change our sink into a Copper Sink , maybe he will look for the best Copper Sinks and buy. But then again, we are quite happy with our kitchen for now since we know we won't be here for long.

1 comment:

kim said...

wow! i can imagine how cool having a copper sink would be, lol!