Jul 23, 2011

August 2011- New School Year 2

Another week left and we are so done with my girl' 1st year of homeschooling! Yipee! I'm so happy and I feel so accomplished of finishing her 1st year. Oh, the road wasn't that smooth for the first year, it even took us quite sometime to adjust with our schedule. It was like months before we finally settled in. And when we were quite settled, there will be a few changes in our family schedule and our routine gets broken again. But we pressed on. :) Thank you, Lord!

This coming year will be more challenging though since I'll be homeschooling both of my kids plus there will be added subjects and lessons for my daughter. She'll be learning Bahasa Malaysia with her Appa ( father) and we'll be sending her for art lessons and hopefully swimming lessons. It's gonna be an exciting and challenging homeschool year, I know.

* Always set an example for your children for continued learning yourself. Check out Guide to Online Schools for a huge list of online colleges, classes, and courses available.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Could you remove the links to Guide to Online Schools on this page? You can email me with questions if you like but our website got hit with a Google Manual penalty so I'm trying to get these removed. Thank you!