Yay! We finally subscribed to a cable TV. We have been considering getting cable for years, but the promotional packages weren't that good and I was always worrying out kids would start spending too much time watching t.v. One of my favorite channels in the package is the AFC or Asian Food Channel. How I love to learn new recipes and different ways to cook things. The chefs are all so smartly dressed with their chef coats and chef pants. Besides looking smart, their chefs apparel looks like it is comfortable to wear, and very user friendly. For example I saw that one chef's coat had some handy pockets on one sleeve where the chef kept some of the utensils he used the most. He was so adept at getting them quickly in and out of the different pockets, he was almost magically pulling the out of his sleeve. What a great idea! Since watching the show I found a website that sells chef's apparel like I've seen on the show, the company is iD by Landau. This company has some really great looking styles and they have a black chef coat that is really very stylish. Their coed essential chef coat has the 3 magic pockets like the chef on the t.v. show was wearing. Anyways, as with my worry of kids having uncontrolled TV time, we've already talked to them and have given them strict limits. They also know they have to leave some t.v. time for the parents!
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