Sep 10, 2010

Two Days on Teacher Mode
As mentioned earlier, I helped out in teaching a class for the past two days. And since we don't have anyone to take care of the kids, Hubby had to stay home to babysit.

Indeed, teaching for two days has indeed allowed me a break from my daily routine. Even if I had to sleep late to do the teaching preparations and wake up early to travel and hour and a half to the province, I quite enjoyed the 2 days. The adult students we taught were very enthusiastic and interested to learn too.
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Though I would want to continue to teach them next week, but Hubby has to work and our other teachers can handle the class by themselves now. I would just have to continue in making the lesson plans and class activities for them.

So, starting today, I'm officially back to Mommy mode and Homeschool teacher mode. :))

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