Aug 31, 2010

Finally, Photos in Print
Wow! It's such an accomplishment for me to finally have our photos printed. I've been planning to do this time immemorial and wasn't able to push through until today. What triggered me to print our photos ASAP was when I found the file where we saved our li'l boy's birth pictures. Thank God I found them because I thought I I lost those files already. I actually felt kinda guilty a few months before because when our boy saw her sister's baby photo album, he kept insisting that the baby in the pictures were him and not his sister. LOL! That made me seriously look for the file with his photos and promised myself to have them printed right away and make another baby book for him.

So there, I'm one step further in creating his baby book ( after more than 2 years!!). Aside from our boy's birth photos, I also printed out some photos of our holiday in the Philippines. Today, I printed 91 photos for only 273 Baht. It's only 3 Baht per piece for a 4X6 photo. We are actually far from done in printing our photos. We're planning to print a batch of photos per month so I won't be too overwhelmed in putting them in our photo albums ( with captions) and a that same time, it won't be too costly for us too. Hmm.. I guess, this will be another 'big' project for me.,

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