Jun 15, 2010

The Drive to Carrefour

I needed to do grocery yesterday since our friends are taking their lunch here today. But the problem was that Hubby was in Malaysia so, I didn't have a choice but to drive by myself to Carrefour with my son. So, I gathered all my courage, dressed up, brought our son to the car with me and drove. It was a smooth drive since there weren't many cars and motorcycles on the road.Thank God! My only problem was parking the car. So, I chose the farthest end of the parking space where there were not much cars parked. Never mind if my son and I had to walk far to the main entrance, as long as I know I can still get the car out without hitting other cars. LOL! And thankfully enough, there weren't any cars( but a motorcycle with a side cart) that parked beside ours. Whew!

When we came back home safe and sound, I was just thankful for a 'successful' drive. And now, I realized the importance of learning how to drive because I will be able to do things on my own without waiting for HUbby or anyone's help. And with this, I am more encouraged to practice more so I will be more confident to drive and park anywhere in the city.

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