Aug 1, 2008

Birthday Resolutions...

I'm making my birthday resolutions as I turn 32.. and one of those resolution is to strive to be healthy. It's really true that only in our 30's we won't feel so brand new anymore. A single strain can cause severe back ache, a climb of 63 steps on the stairs will leave you breathless and all the other signs of aging.. or maybe signs of being unfit, unhealthy and lack of exercise perhaps.

So, gradually I've been eating some vegetables and drinking veggie juices and drinking a lot of water. Next I'll have to gradually decrease my sugar intake. I've got a sweet tooth so this is going to be a bit hard for me. We are also going through a detoxification process now. We've bought this detox tea from a health store here. It is made from all natural ingredients but it was a bit expensive. But just yesterday we found out that there is this online store that sells the same kind of tea and they accept all kinds of credit cards. Anyways, my next step to being fit must be exercise...haaayy.. thinking about it now already makes me tired..hehehe! but I have to really motivate myself and get up and get moving....


Dines said...

I want to be the first one to greet you, Happy Birthday! Yehey, I beat them all!

lareine said...

hi lalaine! happy birthday! (i hope i'm not too late)... i can understand your dilemma... i guess, when someone hit's the 30's, body metabolism starts to slow down and we begin to see curves in the wrong places, not to mention, breathing hard after a few minutes of not-so-strenuous activities :)...

well, i hope you had a wonderful time... god bless!