Jul 24, 2008

I got 78% C

I just took a Bills IQ test to see if we're financially fit and I got a score of 78 % C.!

It's not that bad but as I took the test, I realized that we still have a lot of things to do in order to improve our financial stability like doing a proper planning in savings and doing some kind of investment in the near future. Saving money must indeed be planned out and not only save the extra money we get monthly because as in most cases there is no extra cash at the end of of the month. :) I also realized that loans and credit card payments must indeed be paid on time, if not interests will go way up above our heads. Though we could always do Debt consolidation but this would be the last resort if we're not careful with our paying our loans and credit card on time. But it is a good thing though that we know that there is such thing as Debt help . This will indeed provide us Debt relief when we can't handle our finances properly.

What about you? You might be curious to know if you're financially fit. Why don't you try to find it out now using the Bills IQ test. Then let me know how you score ok? :)

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