Jun 10, 2008


Wohhoo!! After several weeks of waiting and communicating with Google Apps and GoDaddy, my custom domain www.lalainesworld.com finally works!! Yipee!! and big sigh of relief...Whew!!

I almost gave up and just let it go because it seemed nothing was happening to my custom domain..but thanks to Mommy Ruby and Janet who always asked me about it and everytime they ask, that's when I write Google Apps or GoDaddy to follow it up.

Anyways, I'm rejoicing now..even if my blogspot doesn't redirect it yet to my custom domain...but for me the most important thins is that the custom domain works!

So, to all my friends, who has my link..please change my URL to www.lalainesworld.com . THanks!

1 comment:

Jan said...

congratulations love, finally it's working! happy for you. and it's also redirecting.

puede na ka mamawi. hehehe.