Mar 25, 2008

God-sent Friends

Yesterday, I finally had my tooth extracted and whew, it was so painful even if I already had a shot of anesthesia. The dentist said that it has already been infected which explains the pain. And worse, I was also feeling feverish yesterday (actually until now). I'm not sure if it's because of my infected tooth or maybe I'm having tonsilitis since my tonsils are painful everytime I swallow.
So, since I just had my tooth extracted, I couldn't carry my baby so much because he's already so heavy. In the Philippines, we don't carry heavy things after tooth exraction because maybe "mabughat ko" (hahahah!sorry, I'm too lazy to look for the English term for this). My Dentist didnt say anything about this but anyways, I wanted to refrain carrying heavy things. So after the tooth extraction,we just stayed at the Center for there are a lot of people there who could take turns in carrying my baby.
But then at 4:30 pm everyone was going to have classes and my Hubby also had an appointment that he couldn't break. So, at 3:00 pm my Hubby sent the kids and I home. I was just hoping both kids will just take a nap so that I could also rest.
And thank God my kids took a nap and I was able to rest bit. But then the phone rang and it was our Korean family friend (a couple with 2 girls age 11 and 13). They said they'll be coming in 5 mins to visit us in the house. I was thinking," Oh, this is such a bad timing. I'm not well to entertain visitors and even our house is not in it's best 'condition'. But anyways, I said okay and rushed to make our living room a bit presentable.
Then they came and brought presents for Tricia and Lyle. So sweet of them. While we were talking, they were saying something like Tricia can play in their house , they already miss having babies in their house and etc. By the way, we speak Thai to each other (except their kids who can speak English very well) since they are more fluent in Thai than English, that explains why everything they said weren't so clear to me. And then I was so surprised that they already let Tricia dress up. Only then I understood that they want to bring Tricia and Lyle back to their house and take care of them. hahahaha!! Of course, I didn't hesitate at all. It is what I've been desiring the whole day- a few hours of rest, peace and quiet. The kids seemed quite excited to go with them too. Tricia was already busy getting dress and Lyle was being "pa-cute" to them when they carried him. The couple told me not to worry and I just rest. So, off they went with my kids! After all the bye-byes and sending off, I still couldn't believe that my kids went with them. hehehe!! It was their first time to go out without us but they seemed so happy to go with the family.
I took that as God's provision for me to take a short rest. God knows everything. Even the simple desire of my heart which to take a short rest. It's amazing that our Korean friends came in such a perfect time. They didnt come the day before or the day after but exactly on the day when I'm not feeling well and needed a rest. Thank God!! And I'm also blessed with these God-sent friends. I'm blessed with their hearts that when they came, they really blessed me in every sense. ( I also got a lesson here on how to be a blessing by lending a helping hand or by simply doing simple things for others.)
My kids were gone for almost 3 hours. I was able to take another nap, cooked dinner and cleaned the house a bit. When they came back I was already refreshed and I just heard good reports from them. The kids had a good time there. Lyle just cried a bit and Tricia just played with the girls the whole time. And you know what, they said they'll come and fetch the kids again next time. ;)


Anonymous said...

Ok I still don't really understand tagging and I don't know if I have room for this type of thing. I do plan on having a list of people who have tagged me thanks again,.

Anonymous said...

thank God for good friends! they just come in perfect timing.

desperateblogger said...

the Lord really works in mysterious ways. amen!

lareine said...

had a couple of wisdom tooth extracted and for sure, it wasn't a funny experience... well, at least not for me *sigh*... glad you had some "help" when you needed it:)

Gene M. said...

ew that really painful sis :-)
ako sad naa koy sched kron april pero oks naman linis lang, na inspect na kasi nila last week ang ngipon ko kng meron ba hole lolss.. buti na lang wla!

Wendy Lopez-Redaon said...

hello Lalaine! galing talaga ni Lord no! he just loves surprising us =) i hope u recover soon with that extracted tooth. God bless =)

Anonymouse said...

hi ate lalaine or tita lalaine? :D I haven't been to a dentist lately and my last 'tooth extraction' was when I was still a small kid. :D I really feel that you are a blessed person and I hope I would be like you too. Thanks for your comments. :D

Nisha said...

Hi lalaine.. how are you now? hope the tooth fairy hasnt taken you away along with your extracted tooth;) hehehe.. silly joke?

Well i've never extracted my tooth before, wonder what'll it be like.. and yeah a friend in need is a friend indeed!